Subscribe- Country: N/A
- City: N/A
- Age: 0
- Height: N/A
- Weight: N/A
A.K.A. V_4_Viola, Bonnie_Lass, Chatty__Cathy, Miss_Huggable, Dr_Vio, Bunker_Girl, DisilusioneD, Cottage_Girl, SeaMaid, allergic2tips, SailorPluto, AuroraBrealis, Profile Info: Female - Straight - long hair, dreamer, sarcastic, funny, long nails, nonnude, brunette, smart, brunette, natural, curvy, dancer, student, brunette to live it to the full. I could go on with this list but wrote the first 5 that came up to my mind - Law Abiding Citizen - Dated my teacher - None is perfect, we should not be looking for a perfect person rather a person who you can love unconditionally and that will love you in the same way. - i hate first dates -too much tension ,a stranger ,sweaty palms ,so ,first of ...
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