
  • Country: N/A
  • City: N/A
  • Age: 0
  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
A.K.A. Serafina, MiniGxo, AmandaZ__, AmandaZckrman, AmandaZuckrmn, Profile Info: 9205 - Female - 10001 pounds - 60 inches - 91 - Punta del Diablo - Uruguay - Bisexual - BBQ'd BBZ - Sandy & Maya - Fat Ass Tiny Waist Pretty Face, Basketcase, Fabulously Fantabulous, 55378008, Eat Me Depeche Mode - The Police - Men at Work - Billy Joel - Scorpions - Fleetwood Mac - Motley Crue - Deftones - Incubus - Alice in Chains - Marilyn Manson - Orgy - The Birthday Massacre - . . . and pretty much any movie with John Cusack! - Burritos, Marco Polo and Horror movies
Official Site: N/A