
  • Country: N/A
  • City: N/A
  • Age: 0
  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
A.K.A. En_Time, TimeforEn, ErinsBday, En_Joy__, En_Joy_, SimplyEn, JustErin, Your_En_, YourEn_, YourEn8, E___n, E8nella, Erinella_, TimeforErin, Time4Erin, E8R8I8N, Team888, E_Team, Team_Erin, Justimperfect, Me_Nebe, Erinella, Veriska, Profile Info: Female - Athletic - Caucasian - Blue - 52 kilos - 171 centimeters - 29 - Bi-curious - Non Smoker - Light - Graduated - italian food,czech food..i love the seafood :) - cats - sweet, natural, real tits, cute, friendly, long hair, blue eyes, smart, dancer, all natural - Good thrillers the most :), Drive, Blue Valentine, Dexter, and many of italian or czech films- Perfect Strangers ( Perfetti sconosciuti ), La cara oculta( The Hidden Face), What ...
Official Site: N/A